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15 Key Indicators of Dental Concerns in Pets

Pet Dental Health Month arrives in February, bringing attention to an often-neglected facet of pet care. Dental issues pose significant discomfort to pets, akin to humans. Yet, pets lack the means to communicate their dental woes or schedule appointments independently….

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Seeing Eye Dogs: Celebrating Some Amazing Dogs

January 29th is the Seeing Eye Guide Dog’s official celebration day! These very good boys have helped thousands of people with visual impairments live independently. A local veterinarian discusses guide dogs in this article from Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cypress,…

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Fido’s 2023 Highlights 

Happy New Year! As we leave 2023 behind and move on into 2024, many journalists and pundits are looking back at the top moments of the last year. As it turns out, our canine pals had some pretty impressive moments…

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Holiday Charities For Pets

Happy Holidays! Many of you have a lot going on at this time of year, with all of those seasonal events and activities to prepare for. Charities are also quite busy around the holidays. Many animal welfare and rescue organizations…

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