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Gray cat sleeps inside a wooden bowl

DIY Cat Beds

Love Your Pet Day is coming up on February 20th! If you have a kitty, make a note to pay Fluffy some extra attention. Cats are quite independent: they clean themselves, don’t need to be walked, and spend most of…

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Two dogs with party hat and wine

Doggy Date Night

Did you know that February 3rd is Doggy Date Night? This is a great time to show your pooch some extra TLC, and get that cute tail wagging. A local vet discusses this ‘pawesome’ pet holiday in this article from…

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Puppy german shepherd gives a high five

Change a Pet’s Life Day

Change A Pet’s Life Day is coming up on January 24th. When you think about changing a pet’s life, adoption day may be what first comes to mind. Going to a new home is definitely a game changer for our…

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Cream-colored Terrier with open mouth

Resolutions Inspired by Fido

Happy New Year! Are you making resolutions this year? If so, your dog will be your cutest supporter as you work towards your new goals. Fido isn’t just an adorable, furry cheerleader: he can also serve as a great source…

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Tips For Taking Holiday Pet Photos

Happy Holidays! One of our favorite things at this time of year is seeing all the photos of our patients. Pets somehow manage to be extra cute at this time of year, regardless of whether they are playing with new…

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Celebrating Shelter Pets Day

December 5th is a pretty big day for many of our adorable patients. It’s Celebrate Shelter Pets Day! That’s definitely an occasion we’re happy to spread awareness about. In this article from Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cypress, TX pet clinic,…

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