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Feeding A Rescue Dog

July 15, 2022
The third week of July is Feed A Rescue Dog Week. This is actually to help raise donations for animal shelters. Dropping off some food to a local shelter would be a great way to promote good animal welfare! Of course, if you’ve just adopted a rescue dog, one thing you’ll need to address, and likely change, is Fido’s diet. In this article from Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair, TX, a local vet offers some advice on feeding a rescue pup.

Try To Find Fido’s Past Diet

If your furry buddy is coming from a shelter, he may have been eating different brands, just depending on what was donated that week. However, if you are getting Fido from another family or from a foster home, he may have been on the same food for a while. If you can find out what he was eating, get that brand to start. Consult your vet before making any changes.

Make Changes Slowly

Whenever changing your canine pal’s diet, it’s important to do so slowly, over the course of several days. Start by mixing a little of Fido’s new food in with his old. Gradually adjust the proportions, until there is just a bit of the old food mixed in.

Watch For Food Aggression

Before being put up for adoption, dogs are generally tested for food aggression. However, this is something to keep an eye out for. If your pooch acts a bit possessive of his food, you may need to work with a pet behaviorist to help him overcome his fear.

Limit Fatty Foods

We know, it’s fun to joke about Fido’s love of bacon. A rescue dog probably isn’t going to be used to eating much fat, and could get sick. An upset tummy is bad enough, but high-fat foods also present a risk of pancreatitis, a very painful and dangerous condition. Ask your vet for more information.

Use Treats Carefully

Many rescue dogs have been through rough times and, unfortunately, a lot of them have been mistreated. Treats can go a long way towards gaining Fido’s trust and helping him feel safe. You don’t want to go overboard here, though. Use small snacks, to avoid overfeeding your pup. Training snacks are good options here. Please contact us here at Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair, TX for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here for you!

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