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9 Great Reasons to Adopt a Rescued Bunny

February 1, 2021
February is Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month! If you’re considering getting a new pet, please think about giving a cute bunny a new home. Rabbits make wonderful pets! A local vet lists some reasons to adopt one of these adorable furballs in this article from Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair animal clinic.

Floppy’s Schedule

Rabbits are crepuscular, which means that they are most active in the mornings and evenings. This goes pretty well with the typical modern-day work schedule!

Promote Health

Bunny diets should be based mostly on fresh grass hay. However, you’ll need to supplement this with fresh veggies. That’s good for you, because it will encourage you to keep fresh produce on hand.

Allergy Friendly

Many people can’t have dogs or cats because of allergies. However, bunnies don’t produce the same type of dander, and won’t necessarily cause the same reactions.

Litterbox Friendly

Did you know that rabbits can be trained to used litterboxes? Teaching Floppy to use her box will take a bit of time and effort, but it’s well worth it in the end.

Pets Make Everything Better

We just can’t say enough about how many ways pets improve our lives. Floppy will provide you with love, laughter, and companionship for years to come!


If you aren’t sure what binkies are, they are basically the bunny version of a happy dance. Binkies are absolutely adorable, and they are bound to keep you smiling. Of course, Floppy also has other cute habits, such as flopping over and, of course, getting the zoomies.

No Walks Required

If you want a furry pal, but aren’t really someone that enjoys daily walks, a rabbit may be a great choice! Bunnies should definitely be kept indoors, though you can take your cute pet out on a harness if you like.


Rabbits can live up to 14 years with good care. When you share your life with a pet for that long, you’ll find that you become even closer over time. Floppy will provide you with years of cuddles, love, and entertainment!

They’re Adorable

Last but not least, rabbits make really cute pets! Floppy’s big ears and furry face can truly melt hearts. Please contact us here at Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair pet hospital, with any questions or concerns about caring for a bunny. We’re always ‘hoppy’ to help!

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