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Keeping Your Cat Entertained

March 1, 2020

Cats are notorious for being sleepy. Fluffy can spend up to 20 hours a day snoozing, though she usually averages a ‘mere’ 14 to 16. While you do want to provide your pet with lots of comfy spots, it’s also important to offer her entertainment options for when she is actually awake. In this article from Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair animal hospital, a veterinarian offers some tips on keeping your kitty amused in between her 25 daily naps.

Window Views

Fluffy may be cute and cuddly, but she’s still a predator by nature. Offer your kitty a comfy window seat with an interesting view. If possible, put a birdfeeder up in her line of sight. This will allow your pet to combine three of her favorite things: napping, sunbathing, and daydreaming about hunting.


Take a few minutes a day to play with your furry buddy. This will benefit her both physically and mentally. Plus, because you are in control of your pet’s ‘prey,’ your kitty will really be able to unleash her inner lioness. This will make playing more fun and challenging for Fluffy.


While it’s important to have some toys you can use to play with your feline friend interactively, Fluffy also needs some things she can use by herself. The catnip mouse is, of course, the gold standard here. Your furball may also enjoy plastic balls or crinkly toys. Of course, some cats prefer playing with bottlecaps or crumpled-up pieces of paper. Just be sure to only offer your kitty safe, suitable playthings.

Kitty Gardens

Cats are always safer living indoors, but that doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy a taste of nature. Set out some non-toxic plants for Fluffy to sniff at and nibble on. You can find a list of pet-safe plants at the ASPCA website here.


While we may never entirely understand Fluffy’s box obsession, we do know that a cat with a box is a happy cat. Your feline pal will also enjoy having paper bags, newspaper tunnels, and kitty tents to explore.

Apps And Games

Did you know that you can stream programs just for Fluffy? Some kitties really like watching shows about birds and fish. Of course, your mileage may vary.

Please contact Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair animal hospital, a veterinarian vet clinic, anytime. We are dedicated to offering great veterinary care!

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