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7 Easy Ways to Spoil a Senior Dog

September 15, 2017
Have you noticed your faithful pet’s muzzle turning grey? Is your furry best friend starting to slow down? It can be hard to believe that the bouncing ball of fur you brought home is now approaching his golden years. Fido will be just as adorable as a senior as he was as a puppy, but his needs will change as he ages. In this article from Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair vet clinic, a local vet lists some great ways to spoil a senior dog.

Comfy Bed

Make sure that Fido is sleeping comfortably by getting him a good doggy bed. We recommend orthopedic beds for older dogs, because of the extra support they offer.

Veterinary Care

Fido may need to come in a bit more often as he ages. Regular exams allow your vet to keep a close eye on your pet’s health, and watch for any changes that could indicate developing health issues. You’ll also want to watch for signs of illness, and contact your vet immediately if you see any warning signs.

Proper Diet

Good nutrition is a crucial part of any dog care regimen. Offer Fido premium, high-quality pet food. Treats are fine, but don’t overindulge your furry buddy. You could end up with a pudgy pooch, and obesity is very bad for our canine pals! Ask your vet for specific nutritional recommendations.

Suitable Exercise

Fido will slow down as he ages, and he may no longer be very interested in running and playing. However, your canine companion will still benefit from regular activity, so make sure he gets at least a daily walk. Just be careful not to overexert your old friend.

Pet Ramps or Stairs

If Fido has trouble getting around, get some pet ramps or stairs to help him out.


Long nails are very uncomfortable for dogs. They’re also often a bigger issue in senior pooches, since younger, more active pups tend can sometimes wear their claws down just by running around on rough pavement. Keep Fido’s nails trimmed!

Doggy Dishes

Fido may have to strain his neck and/or splay his legs to eat from dishes on the floor. Give his dinnerware a pupgrade, and get him some elevated doggy dishes. Please contact Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cy-Fair pet hospital, for all your senior dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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