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Take an Up-Close Look at Your Dog’s Dental Cleaning

August 15, 2015
You want your golden retriever Sadie to look her absolute best. That’s why you provide this spoiled-rotten girl with a top-notch diet and plenty of figure-trimming exercise. You brush her coat regularly, and she visits the grooming salon like clockwork. Sadie also has the brightest-looking choppers in town, the result of consistent professional dental care. In fact, your lucky dog will visit Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cypress, TX veterinarian, for a dental cleaning tomorrow.

Seamless Scheduling

Sadie’s appointment will fit nicely into your daily routine. You’ll take her to the hospital shortly after opening time, and she’ll receive her exam and cleaning during the day. You’ll retrieve your dog, and her cleaner-looking teeth, during the late afternoon.

Pre-Cleaning Dental Checkup

First, the vet will obtain a picture of your dog’s dental health. He’ll carefully examine her teeth and gums, and he’ll review her dental history. If you have treatment records from other facilities, they’ll also be useful. Hopefully, your canine housemate will merely show plaque and tartar buildup. The vet might observe some gingivitis or bone loss around one or more teeth. If so, Sadie will likely receive a standard dental cleaning. If the vet finds other issues, he’ll speak with you before addressing them. Finally, the vet will evaluate Sadie’s general health before giving her the necessary anesthesia. Pre-procedure blood work results will provide him with essential information.

Careful Dental Cleaning

If Sadie gets the green light for anesthesia, she’ll be comfortably snoozing away before long. During the procedure, a veterinary technician will closely track your companion’s vital signs. Now, the vet can begin his work. After carefully examining your dog’s gums, he’ll order x-rays for possible trouble spots. He’ll meticulously clean her teeth, removing harmful plaque and tartar with dental scaling tools. Finally, she’ll receive a polishing treatment that smooths her tooth surfaces. This means debris will have a much harder time sticking to her choppers. After the vet completes his work, your companion will recline in her kennel until you arrive.

Regular Brushing Sessions

Fairfield Animal Hospital, your Cypress, TX veterinarian, will demonstrate how to safely brush Sadie’s teeth. Ask if dental rinses and/or chews will also provide benefits. If Sadie consistently receives professional dental care, and you brush her teeth at home, she’ll continue to display that impressive smile. To provide your dog with quality dental care, contact us for expert assistance.

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